Multi-year ISH Dance Collective collaboration kicks off!
The ELJA Foundation’s contract with ISH Dance Collective was signed this week!
It is the official start of a great multi-year collaboration: ISH Academy.
For over 20 years, ISH Dance Collective has brought diverse worlds together, both on and off stage: ballet dancers, breakdancers, urban sports, orchestral musicians, as well as spoken-word artists and everything in between share the stage. In the audience, different ages and backgrounds sit side by side. ISH is committed to young people and inspiring new generations. In addition to successful performances, ISH has three main pillars: ISH Talent, ISH Community and now, ISH Academy.
At ISH Academy, children and young people get the opportunity to take classes, workshops and more from the talented dancers, teachers, choreographers, and other creative people at ISH Dance Collective.
Want to join too? As Founder and Artistic Director Marco Gerris says: Everyone is welcome!
Classes, workshops, and much more will start from March.
Register now at www.ishdancecollective.com/academy