Public Benefit Organization information
The ELJA Foundation was founded on October 27, 2021.
Organization – Stichting ELJA Foundation
RSIN number – 863170250
Postal address – Torenlaan 5, 1251 HE Laren
E-mail –
Website –
Tel – 035-20 022 60
Board composition
- Els Blokker-Verwer, chairperson
- Jan Deiters, board member
- Aernout van der Gaag, board member
- Marjan Hammersma, board member
- Janneke van der Wijk, board member
Remuneration board members
Board members receive no remuneration for their work as such. Each board member is entitled to reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties and a small attendance fee.
Article 7.3 of the articles of association allows a board member to carry out other activities for the foundation in addition to their activities as a board member on the instructions of the board and to be remunerated for this.
The ELJA Foundation wants to promote connection in our society and bridge differences between groups through music, dance, and visual arts.
Policy plan
It is our ambition to become a reliable, leading partner and to build and maintain good relationships with a broad network in the art and culture sector. We attach great importance to careful use of our financial resources, measurable results, and adequate, reliable reporting.
You can read more information about our policy in our policy plan.
Jaarverslag 2022 ELJA Foundation (pdf)
Standaardformulier publicatieplicht ANBI ELJA Foundation 2022 (pdf)